EmVision Capital Advisors Blog

Secure Your Future Together: Financial Planning for Unmarried Couples
Secure Your Future Together: Financial Planning for Unmarried Couples

No one likes to think about death, disability, or a breakup. However, planning for the unexpected can help alleviate many potential problems, particularly for unmarried couples. Although some states have begun to offer committed unmarried couples...

The “Swift” Shifts of 2023’s Unpredictable Market
The “Swift” Shifts of 2023’s Unpredictable Market

2023 stands in sharp contrast to 2022. In 2022, stocks and bonds declined by double digits. Investor sentiment suggested more of the same for 2023. In contrast, the US economy continued to grow, supported by a resilient consumer. Consumers' spending...

Real Assets: A Weapon in the Fight Against Inflation

Real assets are physical, tangible investments—such as real estate, precious metals, timber, and infrastructure—that historically have tended to maintain their real value independent of currency fluctuations. These types of assets are generally far...

Protecting Inheritances for Married Children

Statistics suggest that a high percentage of marriages will end in divorce. Although you may not be concerned about your own marriage, are you worried about protecting the assets of your married children?

Social Security Claiming Strategies: A Guide for Widows and Widowers
Social Security Claiming Strategies: A Guide for Widows and Widowers

If you are widowed, you have some decisions to make when it comes to claiming social security benefits. You may be eligible to claim benefits based upon either your own earnings record or that of your deceased spouse. To qualify for survivor...

How the October Financial Market Surge Could Impact Your Portfolio
How the October Financial Market Surge Could Impact Your Portfolio

Learn about the October market surge. In this article, we discuss: Tricks, not treats for markets in October Challenges such as fixed income falls Indications of an economy showing signs of slowing The continued deceleration of the housing market ...

Negative News Does Not Always Mean Negative Markets
Negative News Does Not Always Mean Negative Markets

Scary headlines, recessions, and bear markets all have negative connotations and create fear in the minds of investors. Fear drives emotions, which can lead to investment mistakes. Moving out of the market at the wrong time can cause long-term...

The Impact of the Israel/Hamas War on Investor Sentiment and Markets
The Impact of the Israel/Hamas War on Investor Sentiment and Markets

The Israel/Hamas war is a terrible human tragedy and may escalate in the coming weeks. The economic impact is expected to remain largely regional, but the war may impact investor sentiment, commodity prices, and monetary policy. We suggest investors...

Your Year-End Financial Planning Checklist for 2023
Your Year-End Financial Planning Checklist for 2023

As 2023 winds down, your focus may begin turning to holiday planning, family gatherings, and delicious food. You might even entertain the idea of getting your tax documents in order. Consider going a few steps further and preparing for a yearly...