EmVision Capital Advisors Blog

Negative News Does Not Always Mean Negative Markets
Negative News Does Not Always Mean Negative Markets

Scary headlines, recessions, and bear markets all have negative connotations and create fear in the minds of investors. Fear drives emotions, which can lead to investment mistakes. Moving out of the market at the wrong time can cause long-term...

The Impact of the Israel/Hamas War on Investor Sentiment and Markets
The Impact of the Israel/Hamas War on Investor Sentiment and Markets

The Israel/Hamas war is a terrible human tragedy and may escalate in the coming weeks. The economic impact is expected to remain largely regional, but the war may impact investor sentiment, commodity prices, and monetary policy. We suggest investors...

5 Essential Legal Documents for Your Child's Transition to Adulthood
5 Essential Legal Documents for Your Child's Transition to Adulthood

The summer is winding down to a close and as your child approaches their final year in school it’s hard to believe that they are, or soon will be, a legal adult at 18. This shift presents a whole new world of opportunities and challenges. Their...

The “Artificial” Magic in the Stock Market Rally

In 2023, the stock market rally has predominantly been driven by a select group of stocks. This phenomenon, known as narrow leadership, can persist for extended periods, and while it is part of the natural cycle of markets, it can pose challenges...

6 Money Conversations to Have in a Long-Term Relationship
6 Money Conversations to Have in a Long-Term Relationship

All couples hope for a “happily ever after,” but it’s no secret that money issues can be primary reasons partners split up or divorce. To avoid future battles over finances, it’s smart to put all your cards—credit and otherwise—on the table. Of...

Q1 2023 Market Highlights
Q1 2023 Market Highlights

Some market highlights from the first quarter of 2023 include: March results helped all three major U.S. indices end the first quarter of 2023 in the green. Despite mid-March market turbulence caused by strain on the banking industry, economic...

Financial Planning for Empty Nesters
Financial Planning for Empty Nesters

Congratulations are in order! You planned, saved money for education expenses, and now your child is off to college. But as you settle into your “empty nest,” you might be wondering, now what? It’s time to figure out how to adapt to your child’s new...

Banking Crisis Averted, But Risks Remain

Earlier this month, the FDIC took over Silicon Valley Bank (SVB) and Signature Bank. To boost the stability of the banking system, the government effectively protected all depositors in the banking system. While some risk remains, we believe the big...

Emotions of Investing
Emotions of Investing

Logic and emotion have never been a perfect pairing. It is logical for investors to stay focused on their long‑term goals during volatile markets, but emotionally it is very difficult to follow this reasoning.