EmVision Capital Advisors Blog

Tax-Smart Planning Strategies
Tax-Smart Planning Strategies

Minimizing your annual income taxes requires a regular review of your overall financial position. With tax season underway, now is the perfect time to evaluate some effective strategies that could help reduce your current and future taxes. Tax...

529 Plans: Qualified and Nonqualified Expenses
529 Plans: Qualified and Nonqualified Expenses

You’ve put in the hard work of saving for college, and now it’s time to start using those 529 plan assets to help with afamilymember’s education-related costs. But before you begin withdrawing those funds, it’s important to understand the...

Your 401(k) Is Not an ATM: 6 Things to Consider Before Taking a Loan from Your Retirement Plan
Your 401(k) Is Not an ATM: 6 Things to Consider Before Taking a Loan from Your Retirement Plan

If you are considering taking a loan from your retirement plan to bridge a financial gap, pause for a minute. This is a major decision that should not be made lightly, as there are consequences that could affect your ability to fund your future...

Countdown to Retirement
Countdown to Retirement

There’s a lot to consider as you prepare for retirement, so it’s wise to begin planning well ahead of time. The checklists below are designed to help you stay on track for the retirement you envision.

Don’t Incur the Roth of the Taxman
Don’t Incur the Roth of the Taxman

SAVING for retirement – you know you have to do it but where do you start? Pile your spare cash under the mattress or forget about it in a savings account? Neither – the good news is the government want us to save for retirement so there is help...

Paying For Your Retirement
Paying For Your Retirement

CLOCKING off for the last time, my grandfather described his retirement day as the best day’s work he ever did. Two decades of retirement with my nan followed, enjoying their home, family, a few holidays on the beach in Spain and tending his...

Feeling Generous? What to Know About Charitable Giving
Feeling Generous? What to Know About Charitable Giving

As you drive around cities, have you ever wondered how rich someone must be to get their name on a building? The college campuses, the hospital extensions, the libraries – all prefixed with the name of a wealthy philanthropic patron. Wouldn’t it be...