EmVision Capital Advisors Blog

Paying For Your Retirement

Written by Johnathon Opet | May 9, 2022 3:30:00 PM


CLOCKING off for the last time, my grandfather described his retirement day as the best day’s work he ever did. Two decades of retirement with my nan followed, enjoying their home, family, a few holidays on the beach in Spain and tending his tomatoes and chrysanthemums in his greenhouse. Gramps had trained as a barber erved  in Burma during the

Second World War as a sergeant and then worked on the railways and docks for the rest of his career.


In other words, solid working class throughout, with a job for life leading to the retirement he had carefully saved for, both through the company pension scheme and his social security.

He knew that retirement was solid. Maybe not leading to a life of wild luxury, but enough for what he wanted, with the certainty throughout his working life that it was safe and secure.

But sadly those days are gone. It appears for many company pension schemes are all but extinct, as is the job security that my grandfather enjoyed.

As current generations in the workforce look to retirement, the responsibility for paying for it rests firmly on us.

But saving is hard to do while juggling all the competing demands for our money right now – mortgage, car payments, student loans, health insurance…

And trying to understand what we will need in three or even four decades time is a tough task. Which is where we at EmVision  Capital Advisors come in. That’s what we are here to do for you.

Our experienced financial advisors know the ins-and-outs of the hundreds of financial products on the market and have your best interests at heart.

It is never too early to think about retirement – even if you don’t have much to spare now, time and careful investment can change that to a useful sum when it comes time to finish work for yourself.

Our team can look at suitable ways to make use of any savings schemes your employer may offer, as well as guiding you through the maze of products and rules governing saving for retirement.

And at EmVision Capital Advisors we also know that life is not certain nor guaranteed – we will not sell you a product and forget you.

Your circumstances will change – hopefully for the better but even if things take a turn for the worse, our experienced professionals are with you on the journey and will seek to make sure your money is working the best way it can for your needs today as well as tomorrow.

Our team continually monitor your investments, as well as changes in the markets and governmental rules to ensure your retirement is not something left to chance.


This material contains only general descriptions and is not a solicitation to sell any insurance product or security, nor is it intended as any financial, legal or tax advice. This article is intended to assist in educating you about insurance generally and not to provide personal service. They may not take into account your personal characteristics such as budget, assets, risk tolerance, family situation or activities which may affect the type of insurance that would be right for you. In addition, state insurance laws and insurance underwriting rules may affect available coverage and its costs. Guarantees are based on the claims paying ability of the issuing company. If you need more information or would like personal advice you should consult an insurance professional. You may also visit your stat e’s insurance department for more information. Securities and advisory services offered through Commonwealth Financial Network®, Member FINRA/SIPC, a Registered Investment Advisor. Fixed insurance products and services are separate from and not offered through Commonwealth Financial Network®.